I fell in love with St. Mathias Church in Tumauini, Isabela, the first time I saw it. I promised myself to return, whenever permitted. After Isabela Awaits You Part I Project (which we mentioned in our previous posts), it was an honor to serve once again Our Lady of the Pillar Parish in Cauayan City, Isabela - through the kindness of Fr. Angel. Actually, Fr. Angel's project concerns building of Chapels in Cauayan City, the hometown of DONNA SAMONTE one among the great Photographer we encountered in Facebook. We hope that in His time, Donna shall personally capture the intricate details of St. Mathias Church and the Barroque churches in Isabela for the New Yorker's to see the beauty of Isabela by Donna's keen interpretation in details, colors and composition, for those in the United States to see the beauty of Isabela.
We shall start by honoring those who inspired us to return to Tumauini after we documented Fr. Angel's projects in Cauayan City. Isabela Awaits You . . . Part II. This shall be a series of video clips in support of Fr. Angel's Project in Cauayan City - One Barangay . . . One Chapel . . . One Community . . . One Church. Imagine the Tumauinians helping those from Cauayan City build Chapels, at the same time promotes its place and Isabela per se . . . . Isn't it wonderful?

(Our proposed cover and label design, we hope that there are good samaritans along the way who is willing to sponsor the mass production of the cover through Fr. Angel in Cauayan, Isabela, as we are working in tight budget for this production considering that this is a non-profit undertaking.)

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